How to communicate with the HFC community

If you are a member of the HFC community and you have news or events you want to promote to HFC audiences or the public, marketing and communications can help. Please review the following guidelines and contact us as needed.

Members of the media: visit our Media Relations page to get help with your inquiries, stories, and resources


  1. All requests go to
  2. Best way to communicate with all employees is Employee News
  3. All-employee e-mails are for critical information only, and will be infrequent
  4. Available communications channels include Employee News, HFC website, HFC events calendar, social media, digital boards (new system coming online late in 2022), and bulletin boards. Headlines from Employee News are also sent to the employee portal at

See below for complete information about how to communicate with various audiences.

Messages for faculty and staff

What: We will publish HFC-related news and events weekly on Mondays in Employee News.
We will send a periodic e-mail reminder message with highlights.
When: Items must be submitted to no later than noon on Friday.
Please keep in mind:
1. Employee News is online 24/7.
2. Employee News often includes new events, published throughout the week, as time permits.
3. Employee News only includes content that is directly related to Henry Ford College, or to an official HFC corporate or community partnership.
4. Employee News items are pushed into the announcements section of the portal, where everyone who logs in will see them.

A note about all-employee (blast) e-mail:
Having been over-used and under-managed in the past, all-employee (or blast) e-mail is not a standard method for communicating campus messages.

Faculty, staff, and students receive far too much e-mail. We received a stream of complaints and saw our e-mail message-open rates continue to decline. So we made a commitment not to send regular all-employee e-mails for general internal communication. Instead, we aggregate campus news, messages, and announcements in our easy-to-use, categorized, targeted website called Employee News. You will also find the most recent news/events headlines in the portal (

Non-e-mail channels that you may effectively use to communicate with faculty and staff include the HFC website, Employee News, our online events calendar, social media, campus digital boards, and campus bulletin boards.

When will we send all-employee email?
1. Periodically during the academic year (and during news-heavy summer weeks), we may send highlights and a reminder about Employee News content.
2. Periodic all-employee email messages will be sent for critical content such as emergencies that affect all or nearly all employees, safety matters, closures, power outages, regulatory compliance, official Board of Trustees or Presidential notices, bereavement notices, and other messages HFC Marketing and Communications deems critical, time-sensitive, and audience-appropriate.

More specifics about blast email and professional use of email are here.

Instead of relying on email for mass communication, we ask that all units on campus work with us to plan ahead, so we can share your messages in a timely, effective way through our website, social media, and other digital and analog channels.

Personal notices such as births, marriages, personal awards, election to public office, etc.

The College does not use its official communications channels to publish notices about non-College personal events and achievements. We will publish bereavement notices upon request by an employee in relation to a loss in their family. Contact HR or Communications for information.

Social media

When you send your message to, we will determine whether it should be shared via HFC social media channels if it is targeted toward faculty, staff, students, and the public.

Messages for the public and for students

We will determine whether a message or event is appropriate for:

  1. The HFC website - submit news/events content and story ideas to
  2. Social media
  3. Digital boards - information
  4. Bulletin boards around campus. HFC-related materials may be posted on campus bulletin boards, as long as they are posted and removed in a timely way.

If you have questions or need help with a communications issue that is not listed here, please send a message to